Know Truth

Trust- in HIS Timing, Rely-on HIS Promises, Wait-for HIS Answers, Believe-in HIS Miracles, Rejoice-in HIS Goodness, Relax-in HIS Presence... Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


i went to see my sweet friend michelle this weekend-
(she is a totally gifted psalmist and an artist you can find her work under KNOW HIM: michelle:
my weekend was wonderful the beauty of my friend, like balm on my soul...
what did we do?
truth be told most of our time was spent in Michelle's room ... the secret sanctuary away from the sounds of her five children (all of whom are truly a treasure) ...
in the sanctuary we talked and she played the guitar...
and we sang together...
we took a the snow...
we ate...lots of salad!
we took communion and
michelle shared words the Father had spoken to her from the Bible...
she told me the Lord had given these words to her as an encouragement...
and she was giving them to me to encourage me ....
she suggested i insert my name accordingly in the Bible verses thus making God's words personal to me,
to my heart....

Isaiah 41:14-16 says:
"do you feel like a lowly worm, Jessi?
Don't be afraid.
Feel like a fragil insect, Jessi?
I want to help you.
I, God, want to reassure you.
The God who buys you back, The Holy of Israel.
I'm transforming you from worm to harrow,
from insect to iron.
As a sharp toothed harrow you'll smooth out the mountains,
turn those tough old hills to loamy soil.
You'll open the rough ground to weather,
to the blasts of sun and wind and rain.
But you will be confident and exuberant
expansive in the Holy of Israel!"

these words touched my soul and refreshed me...
they remind me that mental illness isn't the end of the road ...
and that God is more than enough for me....
even when my mind is in chaos...
and panic seizes my emotions God STILLS me...
and comforts me...

this weekend i was reminded that only GOd can make me ALL right... only God can chase away the crazies and the boogieman in my mind...
and that He will if i let Him.

o Lord teach me to live from my spirit...
where Your words are clearly spoken to my heart...
where fears and sorrow flee...
where my cries by Your Love are stilled...

speak O Lord to my soul
teach me how to live in the rhythm of Your Grace
in Your mercy melody Your radiance is shown...
how i need Your comforting embrace to fill my God shaped hole...

anxiety, tension
devilish oppression
in my mind there's WWF wrestling
a mixed up puzzle
thats never to be done

But You burst through the chaos....
with Your Light you break through...
i am not lost
my hope is renewed

Come Lord Jesus, fill me afresh
let Your Spirit a HOLY deluge upon me set.
to You alone will i cleave...
Your larger than life hands that hold me, i will never leave...

You are mine...
i am Yours...
nothing can change that or separate me from Your love...
in Your presence all striving has ceased
called by my Lover to everlasting peace
as the sun sets and the morning star rises...
with healing in His wings
forever ...
until time has no end
You will call me,
"My girl."
and i will call You
"My Beloved."

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Amen my kindred spirit sister!! Praying for you daily and that you find the peace that only our sweet Savior can bring!!

Worship Him